39 Combat Engineer Regiment Museum
39 Combat Engineer Regiment
39 Combat Engineer Regiment is headquartered in Chilliwack, BC with subunits located as follows:
6 Engineer Squadron (6 ES) - North Vancouver
44 Engineer Squadron (44 ES) - Trail and Cranbrook
54 Engineer Squadron (54 ES) - Chilliwack
For several years the Reserve combat engineer units in British Columbia consisted only of 6 Field Engineer Squadron (6 FES) in North Vancouver and 44 Field Engineer Squadron (44 FES) in Trail.
In 1991 engineer field units were re-designated from "Field Engineer Squadron" (FES) to "Engineer Squadron" (ES).
39 Combat Engineer Regiment was established in May, 2008 and absorbed 6 ES and 44 ES. In addition 54 ES was formed in Chilliwack and the Regimental HQ was also established at Chilliwack.
The home of 39 CER HQ and 54 ES is the Col Roger Kenwood St. John Armoury located at 5535 Korea Rd, Chilliwack. This armoury was named in 2009 in honour of Col St John, a distinguished engineer officer. Further detail on the armoury and Col St. John can be found. Here
39 Combat Engineer Regiment
5535 Korea Road
Chilliwack, BC V2R 5P2
Below - The Colonel Roger Kenwood St John, OMM, CD Armoury - Home of 39 Combat Engineer Regiment HQ and 54 Engineer Squadron - Photo WO (Ret'd) Colin Blackburn